Lucy Henderson is a minor character in Problem Child and was portrayed by Colby Kline, the daughter of actor Richard Kline.
Lucy is shown to be a spoiled brat accompanied by her mother Marion (who suggests Flo call her “Mary” for short).
Initially, Lucy refuses to invite Junior, saying he’s gross since he was adopted. But then her mother tells Flo and Ben, “Lucy’s turning six this week. But I don’t think we’ll have a clown this year. Or balloons. Or ice cream.”
Seeing her mother’s glare, Lucy realizes her mother has threatened to cancel her birthday party if she doesn’t change her tune; so, she decides to invite Junior.
While at her party, Lucy is mean to Junior after she catches him looking at her birthday presents; then she and her friends make fun of him for being adopted, and she bans him from coming to her magic show.
Junior gets back at Lucy by destroying her party, starting with cutting one of the ropes to the happy birthday banner, then scares her after popping one of her balloons with his pitchfork, taking the lawn sprinkler from the backyard into Lucy’s room, then turning it on, causing water damage to the room, ruining a game of pin the tail on the donkey by making the child pin the tail on a woman, throwing all of Lucy’s birthday presents into the swimming pool, taking a frog from the garden fountain & placing it in a bowl of punch, cutting one of the pigtails of Lucy’s friends with Lucy watching, taking the piñata removing & replacing the candy with pickles and green olives, and replacing the candles on the cake with Roman candles. As a result, the cake exploded all over everyone. In each scene involving Junior’s antics, Lucy is seen throwing a tantrum.
Lucy was never seen again. She doesn't appear nor is she mentioned in the sequels Problem Child 2 and Problem Child 3: Junior in Love.
- There was a deleted scene where Lucy was to be sawed in half by the clown, and Junior replaces the fake saw with the real one, which ends up cutting off Lucy's dress, revealing her underwear; the scene was cut as it was shown to be too risqué.